Science Experiment Week

Last week at the Ramos School for Boys, we spent school time doing science experiments from a science kit that we bought for Manu’s birthday.  We suspended our normal school routine to focus on science and more specifically how to conduct experiments to learn more about the amazing handiwork of God. 

We completed a series of 9 experiments throughout this week that dealt mainly with color, light, and dissolving/absorption.  The boys learned how to gather materials, read through procedures, make proper hypotheses, gather data, then come up with conclusions.  They were so excited to be scientists this past week.  I must add, I was very impressed with their work.

Here were some of their hypotheses:

“If we put a color tab in hot and cold water, then they will dissolve the same.”
“If we add 2 ml of red water and 2 ml of blue water, then the water will turn blue.”
“If we put the tabs inside the water, then it will turn into a rainbow.”
“If we add liquid soap to the soymilk, then there will be BIG bubbles.”

“If we add 4 ml of yellow water with 2 ml of blue water, then it will turn yellow again.”
“If we try the 24 color mixing challenge, then we can do it!”
“If put a color tab in hot water and cold water, then the one in the hot water will not dissolve.”
“If we put the 3 color tabs (primary colors) in the soymilk, then they will dissolve and turn it brown.”

So, as you can see, we did a lot of learning and there were plenty of surprises with the experiments. 

Our main materials

Dissolving color tabs in water and watching them fizz!

Mixing 2ml of 2 primary colors and making 4ml of secondary colors!

Mixing secondary colors together to make brown.

24 Color Mixing Challenge!

Growing colorful soft-watery crystals.

After an hour and a half, they grew nearly 10 times their size!

Observing through their magnifiers.

After a few days, we waited for all of the water to evaporate from the crystals and they shrunk back to original size, but they stayed colorful!

Learning how heat affects the rate of dissolving. 

Dissolving the color tabs in room temp soymilk and then seeing what happens when liquid soap is introduced. 
They loved the reaction that took place!  (Daddy was the most excited about this one.)

My students who now think God is even more amazing than before. 

This would make our Science Experiment Week a smashing success.

4 thoughts on “Science Experiment Week”

  1. Way to go, Mom!  Great job!  How wonderful that you can home-school, looks as though your boys are way ahead in learning!  I really enjoy the updates – please keep them coming!  Did the boys get their “letter” this time?  Last month it was returned to me – “Unknown”.

  2. hooorrrraaaayyy for the boys and mommy!! so tell me Judy, you are homeschooling the boys, what program/curicullum (spelling?) are you using? I’m going to homeschool my boys but not sure where to get my materials. Any advice? you can email me Thanks!! 

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