IMG_0816Judy wears many hats!  Currently she is a stay-at-home mom who also manages Grace’s Blueberry Orchard–an organic u-pick adventure based on our home property.  Grace Orchard is named after Judy’s mother who’s endurance and will is unmatched by young and old.  

Judy also works as the Administrative Assistant for GYC.  She manages the office and oversees the GYC Gallery which she created and based at the CAMPUS Headquarters in East Lansing.  CAMPUS also houses the GYC office.  When Judy was in college she formed part of the first GYC leadership team, serving as vice president of programming and logistics, and as the first producer of GYC programming on 3ABN.

At UCHURCH, Judy is actively involved in the Kindergarten division which teaches the Bible to the youngest members of our church family.  She is also very active in the Lansing Lightening Bugs Adventurer Club which is jointly made up of Lansing and East Lansing young children.

Judy’s educational background is in Elementary Education.  She graduated from the University of Michigan School of Education with distinction.  During her time there, she was very instrumental in helping to develop the Adventist Students for Christ and Campus HOPE organizations on campus.

Her many hobbies include playing music, gardening, and sports.  Those who know her will agree that she’s amazing!

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In Virum Perfectum